Application Form
This application opens up February 29th, 2025. Applications submitted prior to this date will not be reviewed. Interested in Hillsdale housing for the summer? Please fill out the form below. Note: you must have an internship by April 1st to reserve your spot in the Hillsdale housing.
Summer in D.C. FAQs
Who gets to live in the Hillsdale House over the summer?
The Hillsdale House is reserved for Hillsdale students who have secured internships in Washington, D.C. WHIP students receive priority housing.
How many students can live in the Hillsdale House?
A maximum of 20 students can live in the Hillsdale House.
When does the application for the summer open?
The application over the summer opens up in late February every year. Students find out in early March if they are accepted.
How much does living in the Hillsdale House cost?
The cost is set by the main campus Financial Aid office. The summer 2024 cost was $290 per week.
How long can I stay in the Hillsdale House?
Hillsdale House leases are typically 11-12 weeks.
How do I pay for the Hillsdale House?
The Business Office will apply the fee directly to your student account. Students must pay for the whole summer at the beginning of the lease. If a student needs a flexible pay schedule, he or she may reach out to the Business Office, not to the Hillsdale in D.C. staff.
Is there any programming offered for the students who stay at the Hillsdale House over the summer?
Hillsdale in D.C. invites students to the campus lectures and two alumni events. If students are looking for more robust programming, including mentorship programs, trips to see local history and interesting sites, meeting Senators, White House officials, or a Supreme Court Justice, they are encouraged to apply for WHIP.
Can I keep my belongings in the Hillsdale House in between the summer and semester terms, if I am also doing WHIP?
Yes! Students may store belongings in the Hillsdale properties in between terms. They must coordinate this with the Hillsdale in D.C. Facilities Coordinator.
If I don’t get accepted to the Hillsdale House at first, can I be put on a waitlist?
Yes. Students will know by the middle of April if a spot in the Hillsdale House opens up.
If I don’t get accepted to the Hillsdale House and no spots open up, where can I live?
Hillsdale in D.C. does not guarantee housing to all Hillsdale students. Students are encouraged to check out housing at neighboring universities, The Heritage Foundation, WISH, and short-term rentals